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Is Glaucoma an Eye Disease?

A person with glaucoma rubbing their eyes because they're experiencing blurry vision.

Glaucoma is a term many of us have heard, but how much do we really know about it? It’s surprising how little clarity there is for something that affects millions’ health. Simply put, yes, glaucoma is an eye disease. But it’s much more than that. It’s a condition that requires awareness, early detection, and proper […]

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Do Contact Lenses Expire?

A white, unmarked lens case holds a singular contact lens in solution.

If you’ve ever found an old pair of contact lenses at the back of a drawer, you might wonder: do contact lenses expire?  The answer is yes: contact lenses expire, and using them beyond their expiration date isn’t safe. Even though expired lenses might look fine, using them could expose your eyes to risks to […]

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Can Glasses Help Tired Eyes?

A woman rubs her tired eyes from spending a long time working on her laptop.

In a world where screens dominate our daily lives, digital eye strain has become an all-too-common issue. From working long hours on the computer to scrolling through social media on smartphones, our eyes are constantly under stress. Glasses aren’t a one-size-fits-all answer, but they can often help with your tired eyes. Seeking advice from your […]

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How Much Does Vision Therapy Cost in Canada?

A child works on visual discrimination based on letters and numbers on a blackboard.

Vision therapy can be a game-changer for children struggling with visual problems. However, because OHIP doesn’t cover vision therapy, many parents wonder whether it’s worth the financial investment. A single vision therapy session typically costs between $175 and $200, meaning that complete treatment can range from a few hundred dollars to a few thousand dollars, […]

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Can Dry Eyes Cause Blindness?

Blonde woman rubbing her left eye.

Dry eye, a common condition affecting millions globally, can range from a minor annoyance to a significant health issue.  One frequently asked question is: Can dry eyes cause blindness? While the short answer is “not directly,” understanding the implications of dry eye syndrome is important for maintaining overall eye health. Therefore, it’s essential to manage […]

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