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Category: Dry Eye

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Can Dry Eyes Cause Blindness?

Blonde woman rubbing her left eye.

Dry eye, a common condition affecting millions globally, can range from a minor annoyance to a significant health issue.  One frequently asked question is: Can dry eyes cause blindness? While the short answer is “not directly,” understanding the implications of dry eye syndrome is important for maintaining overall eye health. Therefore, it’s essential to manage […]

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Can an Optometrist Treat Dry Eye?

A person being assisted by an eye doctor to apply eye drops on his left eye.

If you constantly experience stinging and burning sensations in your eyes, it’s probably dry eye. While eye drops and warm compresses can help find temporary relief, dry eye is often chronic and tends to come back. Many people in this situation wonder about long-term solutions for dry eyes.  There’s good news—you can find relief with […]

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