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How Much Does Vision Therapy Cost in Canada?

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A child works on visual discrimination based on letters and numbers on a blackboard.

Vision therapy can be a game-changer for children struggling with visual problems. However, because OHIP doesn’t cover vision therapy, many parents wonder whether it’s worth the financial investment. A single vision therapy session typically costs between $175 and $200, meaning that complete treatment can range from a few hundred dollars to a few thousand dollars, depending on how long a patient undertakes therapy.

While this cost can be staggering for some families, understanding the value behind vision therapy and the potential financial support available can give you insight into whether vision therapy is worth trying for your child.

Does Insurance Cover Vision Therapy?

Since vision therapy can be a substantial investment, it can be disappointing to learn that the Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP) does not cover these therapy sessions. Outside of the primary provincially provided healthcare, some private insurance companies in Canada offer more substantial coverage that could be put towards vision therapy.

However, coverage varies significantly depending on your insurance provider and plan. Some plans may offer partial coverage, while others might not cover vision therapy at all. Before committing to vision therapy, it is wise to review your insurance policy carefully. Contact your insurance provider to inquire about specific coverage details. 

Sometimes, a doctor’s referral may be required for the treatment to qualify for insurance benefits. Knowing these details upfront can save you from unexpected expenses and better prepare you for the financial commitment.

If your insurance doesn’t cover vision therapy, consider setting aside a healthcare spending account. These accounts can often be used for medical expenses not covered by insurance, providing some financial relief.

How Much Does a Single Therapy Session Cost in Canada?

The cost of a vision therapy session in Canada can vary based on several factors, including the practitioner’s expertise and the clinic’s location. An average session may range from $100 to $200 (though costs are typically closer to that upper limit).

Some clinics offer initial assessments at a lower rate or even for free. These assessments help determine the specific visual issues your child may be experiencing and tailor the therapy accordingly. It’s important to factor in the cost of these assessments when budgeting for vision therapy.

Specific clinics may also offer package deals for a series of sessions, which can be more cost-effective. Always ask about any available discounts or payment plans that could make the therapy more affordable.

How Many Vision Therapy Sessions Are Needed?

The number of vision therapy sessions required can differ significantly depending on the visual issues being treated and the individual’s progress. On average, a typical treatment plan may include 20 to 40 sessions. If a single session costs $200, a treatment plan could cost between $4,000 and $8,000.

A young girl doing a vision therapy exercise.

However, knowing that vision therapy is a personalized treatment can help you understand this cost. Some children may show significant improvement after just a few sessions, while others might require a more extended period for the best results. The frequency of sessions can range from once a week to multiple times a week, depending on the specific needs and goals of the therapy. 

This frequency can impact the overall cost of the treatment, so it’s essential to discuss this upfront with your vision therapist.

How Quickly Does Vision Therapy Work?

One of parents’ most common questions is how quickly they can expect to see results from vision therapy. The timeline for visible improvements can vary widely based on the individual’s specific visual issues and dedication to the treatment.

Some improvements can be noticed within the first few weeks of starting therapy. However, achieving the full benefits may take several months. Consistent practice of exercises at home, as advised by the therapist, plays a crucial role in the effectiveness of the therapy.

Parents must maintain realistic expectations and understand that vision therapy is a gradual process. Patience and persistence are vital to seeing significant and lasting improvements.

Is Vision Therapy Worth Paying For?

The decision to invest in vision therapy can be challenging, especially when considering the costs involved. However, many professionals believe the benefits outweigh the expense.

Vision therapy can address various visual problems, such as lazy eye, convergence insufficiency, and other binocular vision issues. If left untreated, these problems can significantly impact a child’s academic performance, self-esteem, and overall quality of life.

Success stories and testimonials from other parents can provide valuable insights into the effectiveness of vision therapy. Seeing positive changes in your child’s visual abilities and everyday functioning can make the investment worthwhile.

Dr. Chris Schell understands that parents may find it daunting to navigate the costs of vision therapy and eye care in Canada. Vision therapy can be a significant investment, but the potential benefits for your child’s academic performance, self-esteem, and quality of life can make it worthwhile. Contact us today to see how we can help you afford vision therapy training for your child.

Written by Dr. Chris Schell

Dr. Chris Schell attended the University of Waterloo, earning a Bachelor of Science degree with honours. Dr. Schell then pursued his Doctor of Optometry from Waterloo and graduated on the Dean’s honour list. In 2003, Dr. Schell began practicing optometry in Barrie and in March 2010, he opened his own vision care clinic. In April 2017, Dr. Schell received his Fellowship from the College of Optometrists in Vision Development, an achievement less than 1% of Canadian Optometrists have obtained. Dr. Schell is passionate about teaching his patients about their vision and eye health.

Dr. Schell is passionate about vision therapy, and its power and possibilities are endless! Dr. Schell is a proud member of the College of Optometrists in Vision Development and Optometric Extension Program Foundation. These two groups focus on educating practitioners and providing the resources to implement vision therapy in their clinics.

Dr. Schell is happily married and has 3 amazing young boys and a wonderful daughter. They love being active, and spending time with family and friends keeps them busy. Dr. Schell loves curling during the winter and golfing in the summer.

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